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We have already received several inquiries from your region. In some cases we also receive inquiries without the applicant being able to follow up quickly or without the office being staffed at all. This is from the beginning an obstacle for all our cooperation offers and for the distribution of HANSE OIL and the settlement of companies in your region, not trustworthy and not helpful for your inquiry and your evaluation. We have therefore decided to go the way of an open tender for your country (region). We therefore ask you to consider the following


Tender Pre-Qualification:

Accredited Partner in the HANSE Business Class. 

or alternatively become accredited: 


1. pay the assessment fee: €8,400 to become an Accredited Partner Level in HANSE Business Class

2. pay the bidding fee: €3,000  (50% refundable)

End of bidding: 30.06.2024 (receipt of payment)

Liaison or Joint Ventures
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